The impact of great packaging can be a game changer. In this project, the flaws of a design needed to be examined, explained, and revamped. The goal was to re-imagine the same product, but with a different brand identity and a more successful design.
At BigKids Toy Company, the company standard is to keep pushing the boundaries. Toys have been in our lives for thousands of years and the objective at BigKids Toy Company is to deconstruct and redefine what a toy is. Toys have always been connected to childhood and reserved for the younger ages, but it doesn’t have to stay that way. At BigKids Toy Company, toys are for everyone and the innovations and new products keep getting better and better. Our goal is to put a BigKids toy in every hand, no matter how big or how small.
In this project, I utilized my woodworking skills to craft a custom package for the toy yo-yo. I wanted the package to be unique on the shelves and exciting in both shape and color to intrigue any viewer. This led to some fun challenges and creative resourcing for different components of the package design.
ROLE: Director + Graphic Designer + Product Designer
SCOPE: Packaging, Branding, Product Design
TOOLS: Photoshop, Illustrator, InDesign
James Madison University Project, 2021